Dallas Brain Injury Lawyer
Have you recently received a blow to the head, or other trauma, and been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury? If so, reach out to a nationally recognized brain injury lawyer for assistance. This can be a very unsettling time in your life, and you need the help and guidance of someone with in-depth knowledge of the brain and of all aspects of brain injury.

All brain injuries are serious injuries and require skilled and specialized medical treatment, and equally skilled legal representation. Charlie Waters, founder of the Law Offices of Charlie Waters, is nationally recognized as a top brain injury attorney. By invitation only, he is a member of the National Brain Injury Trial Lawyers Association and is recognized by this exclusive organization as one of the Top 25 Brain Injury Trial Lawyers in Texas.

The National Brain Injury Trial Lawyers Association annually recognizes the top brain injury lawyers in the country. Membership in this exclusive organization is by peer review and nomination only. Charlie Waters has been recognized again this year as one of the Top 25 Brain Injury Lawyers in Texas. The Top 25 “exemplify superior qualifications of leadership, reputation, influence, and performance in the area of expertise.”
Charlie Waters is also the founder of the Texas Brain Injury Law Center, a comprehensive resource for those struggling with brain injuries and their families. Located in this website, the Texas Brain Injury Law Center contains a wealth of information to assist with answers to any question you may have about this challenging injury. The Center is “Your Center” to visit whenever and as often as you need.
Do I Need a Lawyer for a Traumatic Brain Injury Claim?
Absolutely. A traumatic brain injury can be devastating and leave you incapable of normal function and judgment. A good brain injury lawyer can help protect your rights at a time when you are most vulnerable from this injury, and knows how to maximize your recovery. Brain injuries and related treatments are inherently complex, and it takes an experienced brain injury attorney to successfully navigate the complexity. No one with a traumatic brain injury should even try to represent themselves nor seek legal representation from someone inexperienced in brain injury cases. Brain injuries, particularly those that do not show up on CT scans and MRIs, can be challenging to prove. Insurance companies try to take advantage of that. We won’t let that happen. We can take your brain injury case to court if that’s what it takes to get you fair compensation.
Traumatic Brain Injury Consequences
Depending on the severity of the injury, a multitude of symptoms can result from a traumatic brain injury. Some overtime resolve on their own with proper treatment. Others can last a lifetime. Even with so-called “mild” traumatic brain injuries (MTBIs) debilitating symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, memory loss, inability to retain and retrieve information, slowed thought processes, difficulty in multitasking, spatial disorientation, blurred vision, hearing loss, sound sensitivity, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), altered sense of taste and smell, and insomnia.
The Complexity of Brain Injury and Brain Injury Litigation
Traumatic brain injuries are classified as severe, moderate, or mild. Even a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) can cause serious and lifelong problems and disabilities. To be a successful advocate for those with brain injury it is critical for a good brain injury lawyer to have intimate and special knowledge of brain anatomy, brain function, and related diagnosis and treatments. The brain is the most complex structure in the known universe. Litigating brain injury cases can be equally complex, and is the most demanding of all injury-related litigation …by far.
Not every trial lawyer knows the intricacies of the brain, the pathology of brain injury, or how to successfully put together and take to court a brain damage case. An experienced brain injury attorney devotes years of study, combined with actual case experience, to learn how to navigate brain injury lawsuits to successful resolution by settlement, or when necessary by jury trial. Without vast knowledge and a base of experience, a trial lawyer simply cannot understand brain injury nor explain to a jury the science and physiology behind it.
Common Brain Questions for an Experienced Brain Injury Lawyer
- Is the disability the result of a primary or secondary brain injury, or both?
- Were there multiple and interrelated injuries and injury processes involved that produced the outcome?
- What are the treatment protocols for the various types and degrees of brain injury and how can they help alter patient results?
- Does there have to be a loss of consciousness for a brain injury to occur?
- Can there be brain damage even if CT scans and MRIs are negative and show a “normal” brain, and if so, how can brain injury be proven when these tests are negative?
- What types of examination and testing can help verify and validate a brain injury?
- Can a concussion cause lasting brain damage?
- How can a head injury cause chronic headaches?
- What are the vascular components of brain damage?
- Can a person suffer a brain injury from a violent automobile collision without ever striking their head?
- Can brain injury cause clinical depression?
- Is a person with a brain injury more likely to develop certain brain disorders in the future?
- And how can a person be appropriately compensated for a brain injury when treating physicians have misdiagnosed the injury and their medical records erroneously state patient problems are the result of something else?
These questions, and many others, routinely arise in brain injury cases. An experienced brain injury lawyer not only knows and anticipates these questions and issues but has dealt with them before. We know the brain injury issues and the questions, and we have answers. A good brain injury attorney also works closely with outstanding physicians, psychologists, clinicians, therapists, life care planners and economists in the preparation of brain injury cases. These experts play a critical role in assisting us in explaining to insurance companies, and juries, the full nature and extent of a brain injury, what caused it, and what the future will likely be for our clients moving forward.
Challenges for a Dallas Brain Injury Attorney
Severe and moderate brain injuries obviously result in more significant disabilities and require a different approach to case preparation. Mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBIs) and post-concussion syndrome cases are more common. And MTBI cases are also more likely to be misunderstood and misdiagnosed and are far more difficult to prove in a courtroom. Often with mild traumatic brain injuries and post-concussion syndrome, CT Scans and MRI testing are negative for brain injury because the damage is on a microscopic level and cannot be seen with this type of imaging. An experienced brain injury lawyer knows how to prove the brain injury exists despite these negative test results and knows the right doctors to send you to for the help you need.
Through years of experience working with brain injury clients throughout Texas, The Law Offices of Charlie Waters knows of outstanding rehabilitation facilities, compassionate healthcare professionals, and invaluable support organizations for those struggling with brain injuries. Connecting our clients to these individuals and their services is a big part of what we do.
Accidents Known to Cause Brain Damage
Any kind of accident that involves a blow to the head, or rapid acceleration/deceleration forces applied to the brain, can result in a traumatic brain injury. An experienced Dallas brain injury lawyer knows a traumatic brain injury can occur without a blow to the head and without a loss of consciousness, such as in a significant whiplash event. Also, a good brain injury lawyer knows any kind of event that deprives the brain of oxygen can cause lasting brain damage, like a near-drowning episode or fetal distress during delivery.
Obtain the Most Out of Your Civil Lawsuit
When you have been diagnosed with a brain injury, you will need all the financial assistance you can get since the medical bills could be substantial and you may be out of work for a significant amount of time or suffer a loss in your work capacity. The Law Offices of Charlie Waters will thoroughly review each of the damages and losses you have endured so you can get the most out of you claim and leave no dollar behind.
Featured Brain Injury Articles by Charlie Waters
Work with an Nationally Recognized Dallas Brain Damage Attorney
If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury or head injury, or suspect you may have, contact our office today to discuss your situation and legal options. It would be our honor to help you through this challenging time. You can take advantage of your free claim review by filling out the brief Contact Form we have included below or by giving The Law Offices of Charlie Waters a call at 214-742-2223. For more information on the brain and brain injury, visit the Texas Brain Injury Law Center on this website.
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No two brain injuries are alike. Because they can affect people in such different ways, there is no "standard" approach. We carefully develop each brain injury case knowing the uniqueness of the injury and the person. That takes understanding...and experience.”
-Charlie Waters
Mr. Waters is a truly devoted and wonderful individual who just happens to be a very wise attorney, and I highly recommend him to anyone needing legal services regarding traumatic brain injuries. If you need someone to put a voice to your suffering, who paints a complete picture of what you’ve been through, you will have found the perfect person in Charlie. His extensive knowledge and education in this area of law is unparalleled, and no wonder he is ranked among the top in the nation.
-M. Benoit Former Client