Dallas RSD Lawyer
Those with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) know well how painfully disabling the condition can be, and how medical science has yet to crack the code on why it occurs and effective treatments.

RSD can be such an extreme challenge for those experiencing this awful and baffling ailment. We have seen great courage in our RSD clients over the years and so greatly admire their toughness and fighting spirit. It’s been our privilege to represent them.
RSD Definition and Characteristics
RSD is a type of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) that occurs due to malfunctions of the sympathetic nervous system and immune system linked to nerve damage. The damaged nerves misfire, sending the brain excessive signals of pain from the traumatized area. It affects up to 200,000 Americans annually and when it strikes, it causes severe pain in one or more limbs that can last months or longer and can spread to other parts of the body. For example, a person may have symptoms on one side but notice them in the opposite limb as the condition worsens. Symptoms can also start out as mild, but then worsen. What causes RSD is not fully understood but there are triggering events, like trauma. An experienced RSD lawyer is familiar with the symptoms of RSD, understands how agonizing they can be, and knows how to effectively explain the condition to an insurance company, or a jury, if necessary.
RSD is characterized by a group of symptoms that include the following:
- Pain (often “burning” in nature)
- Extreme sensitivity to touch
- Swelling
- Sweating
- Joint stiffness
- Warmth and/or coolness
- Sensitivity to heat or cold
- Flushing (skin redness)
- Skin paleness with blue tone
- Discoloration and shiny skin
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle spasms
- Muscle atrophy
- Nail and hair changes
Location of RSD Symptoms
RSD occurs in the extremities and is most common in the upper limbs, but can occur in lower limbs as well. Specifically, you may experience RSD in the following areas:
- Hands
- Fingers
- Arms
- Shoulders
- Legs
- Hips
- Knees
How is RSD Diagnosed?
RSD is diagnosed based on clinical presentation of the symptoms previously listed. There is no definitive test that can be given. Specific measures are taken to evaluate the patient’s pain and the potential causes to rule out other possibilities. Fortunately, RSD is now more understood by the medical community leading to a greater likelihood of early diagnosis and treatment. A knowledgeable RSD lawyer knows how to work with physicians who treat RSD patients, and that often means working with neurologists since RSD is a neurological disorder.
Understanding the Challenge of RSD/CRPS
Those battling RSD/CRPS need daily, compassionate support and understanding from family and friends. As your RSD lawyer, you’ll find plenty of care and concern here in our office. We understand what you’re going through, as best anyone can who doesn’t have RSD.
We know how you’ve struggled and how this condition has affected most every aspect of your life, particularly when the pain is at its worst. We know the pain at times can be all-consuming, leaving you feeling desperate, depressed and alone. We also know this condition can prevent you from holding down a regular job which can put you and your family under great economic stress. We also know how expensive the medical treatments can be since this is a permanent, lifetime condition. In addition to the physical symptoms of severe pain, we also understand the mental and emotional toll RSD can take on you and all your relationships.
Treating RSD
While there is no cure at this time, there are ways to manage the symptoms, and getting treatment early can help prevent a worsening of the condition. Response to treatment of RSD is greater in the earlier stages of the condition than in the later stages. Symptom management procedures include:
- Cool, moist applications to areas of burning sensation
- Exercise to prevent contracture
- Pain and anti-inflammatory medications
- High doses of steroids (cortisone)
- Other medications like amitriptyline, pregabalin and clonidine
- Nerve blocks
- Nerve sensation interruption procedures ( sympathectomies, drug pumps, etc.)
There are a variety of needs and professional assistance required to deal with and manage RSD.
Depending on the circumstances, an RSD patient could need treatment from a neurologist, internist, physiatrist, a pain management doctor, and various physical rehabilitation specialists.
Who is Legally Responsible for My RSD?
The short answer is whoever caused the incident that led to the trauma that produced your RSD. That could be the driver of the car or truck, the owner of the dangerous premise where you fell, the general contractor and the construction site, the manufacturer of the dangerous product that collapsed, and any other person or entity that was negligent in causing your injury. One of the first thing we’ll do is set out to find all at-fault parties, so they are held fully accountable for your losses.
Compensation for Your RSD
RSD is a serious condition and does cause significant life damages and losses. We fight hard for our RSD clients and we leave no dollar behind when it comes to a resolution of your case. The following is a list of damages you can seek compensation for when you’ve been forced to endure RSD:
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Medical bills in the past and future
- Therapy bills
- Prescription costs
- Lost wages and loss of future income
- Loss of the ability to enjoy life
Reach Out to an Experienced RSD Lawyer
With this type of injury and condition, you need a lawyer with experience in RSD cases. There’s a lot to know and understand about RSD, and we stay informed about advances in RSD treatments and medical breakthroughs. Reach out to The Law Offices of Charlie Waters at 214-742-2223 to discuss your situation and receive a complementary case evaluation. Or if you prefer, fill out the Contact Form below and we will be in touch with you.